In its 2014 opinion on 'the future EU Agenda on quality of healthcare with a special emphasis on patient safety', the Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (EXPH) indicates five dimensions of healthcare quality: effective, and improve health outcomes; safe, and prevent avoidable harm related with care; appropriate, and comply with current medical knowledge as well as meeting agreed standards; patient-centred, and involve patients/people as key partners in the process of care; efficient, and equitable, and lead to the best value for the money spent and to equal access to available care for equal need, utilisation and quality of care for all. While health and care organisations make sure that sensitive data are stored in a secure and encrypted manner, they do not have control over the security of the data access points used to transmit the data. For these reasons, doctors and hospitals are looking for solutions to streamline Electronic Health Record (EHR) documentation and to address cybersecurity concerns in relation to patients' health data.